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News release
Sept. 3, 2021

Statement by the Canadian Medical Association and the Ontario Medical Association on bullying, attacks and violence against health workers

September 3, 2021 - Since the start of the pandemic, health-care professionals have worked tirelessly to contain the spread of COVID-19, treat patients and help manage the public health response.

We have confronted uncertainty, exposed ourselves to risks, and worked prolonged hours, weeks and months all in support of our patients and the public we serve. We have not signed up for bullying, attacks and violence, at the hands of those who do not subscribe to science or health advice.

Unfortunately, anti-vaccine messaging has escalated in recent weeks; and, in certain cities and communities, we are seeing mounting protest which is precluding access to much-needed health care settings and demoralizing health-care workers.

The health-care workers who have worked tirelessly for months on end are being bullied and harassed for doing their jobs. This is wrong and unacceptable – full stop. We are in a health crisis of unprecedented proportions.

In medicine, we rely on scientific facts, evidence and rigorous research. The pandemic has only underscored the importance of these principles. We have contained COVID-19 outbreaks, treated patients, and developed life-saving vaccines.

But the pandemic is not over yet. As we face a fourth wave and the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant, the stakes could not be higher. It has never been more important to stand with our health care colleagues and deplore any and all online or in-person threats. This is simply not acceptable.  

Dr. Katharine Smart, CMA President
Dr. Adam Kassam, OMA President

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