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Ontario Medical Review
April 28, 2021
Dr. Tim Nicholas

Board Chair Message

Modernizing OMA governance

As this issue of OMR goes to press this month, the Ontario Medical Association is undertaking another major step forward in our governance transformation journey with a historic election that will see members for the first time ever electing the board of directors and president-elect. We have communicated regularly via the OMA News consolidated email, the refreshed OMA website and through our regular constituency updates. I want to thank all members for your engagement and support in driving the OMA forward as we implement our new governance model, and look ahead to the Spring Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the end of May 2021.

As part of the OMA Elections, we are not only transitioning to a new board—one that will include physician and non-physician directors—but we are also setting the foundation for the future in our transitioning from the former OMA Council to the new general assembly. There is a tremendous amount of detail, resource commitment and planning involved in implementing the new OMA governance model. A cross-functional staff team is leading this effort, with oversight from an implementation committee comprising leaders from the board, former council and governance transformation 2020 (GT20). Together, we are committed to provide as much transparency as possible to you, the membership, along with frequent updates, and of course questions are always welcome and encouraged.

With the April 13 election results in hand, the staff and governance implementation team will begin the work to educate and onboard the new skills-based board who will meet for the first time May 5, 2021. We, of course, want to ensure that the work of the current board is transferred seamlessly to the future board, and that all work in progress and commitments are understood and fulfilled on behalf of the membership. A similar transition is envisioned for the work of OMA Council in moving forward to the new general assembly model. Here too, every effort is being made to ensure that council initiatives in progress are acknowledged and completed on a going forward basis.

Please watch for updates via OMA communications channels as we advance our modernized governance model. As a long-time delegate and OMA director, I am very pleased to see the organization taking the bold steps forward that will bring decision-making and priority setting closer to frontline members and constituency groups. As we look ahead to the May AGM, we will see the historic coming together of the OMA’s rich council legacy melding with a new, modernized organizational structure and function. We will celebrate the leaders of the past and pass a virtual torch forward as the new board and general assembly gather for the first time, marking another monumental achievement in our governance transformation journey.

As board chair, I want to express my utmost appreciation and respect to all current and former board directors, council delegates, and constituency leaders who have brought leadership, commitment and sacrifice on behalf of our membership, our organization, Ontario’s health-care system and our patients. We are planning some innovative and interactive ways to honour our leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow, which will be highlighted in the next issue of the OMR.

For updates on governance transformation, please visit the GT20 website.

Dr. Tim Nicholas
OMA Board Chair