
Learn about OMA elections, byelections and the process for electing constituency leaders, board directors and the president-elect

The 2025 OMA elections continue the OMA’s transformation journey through the election of skilled leaders who continue to modernize and enhance our organization, driving the OMA to be a world-class medical association. All members are encouraged to run for the board, president-elect and constituency group leader positions. The OMA promotes a supportive, energetic and enthusiastic election campaign. We’ve facilitated a level playing field for all by ensuring elections are open, fair and transparent.

OMA elections are your chance to vote for the candidate you want to represent the interests affecting your primary section, district, medical interest groups and fora. As an eligible member of the OMA, you have a democratic right to vote for your representatives. As part of the new governance transformation model, OMA elections now include the direct election of the board of directors and the president-elect.

Single election period


  • The OMA Board of Directors approved a new charter for OMA sections, which includes a new section leadership model designed to strengthen and streamline section governance consistently and equitably while maintaining flexibility. The charter includes standard position descriptions and terms clarifies section governance accountabilities and introduces new member-at-large roles that will be filled through this single election period, among other items
  • Terms for constituency-elected positions will start and end after the OMA Annual General Meeting on May 2, 2025. This aligns constituency terms with elected OMA Board member timelines and allows for more time for onboarding and transition
  • All candidate profiles will be available on the OMA website before Jan. 13, 2025, when the voting period opens

Starting this year, Promeus, one of Canada’s leading companies for executive recruitment, will facilitate an independent candidate vetting process that ensures members can elect a skills-based board. Promeus’s additional screening includes interviews as well as reference and social media checks for all board director positions.

Board director and president-elect candidates reference check refinements: Candidates are now exempt from the reference check process providing that they have a recently completed reference check on file (within 18 months).

Non-physician director recruitment and electoral process: Following the initial election by the membership, non-physician members excelling in their board roles will be presented to the membership through a simplified re-election process.

Campaigning, promotion and advertising: President-elect and board candidates are allowed to promote the elections in line with board-approved guidelines. Read the elections communications guidelines.

To protect the integrity of OMA elections, board directors and the association will not endorse or campaign for colleagues. Incumbent board directors must be impartial, neutral and transparent, and above any perception otherwise.

Voting takes place online using Big Pulse, a high-security electronic management system that uses a vote count veriļ¬cation protocol to provide voters with a receipt to enhance security. All OMA members who are eligible to vote will receive a Notice of Voting email with a link that takes you to Big Pulse’s voting management website. Your access is through OneLogin.

The role of your elected representatives

Elected OMA representatives advocate for their constituents on issues identified as being important, develop and implement goals and work plans, and communicate with their constituents on their activities. OMA representatives can shape legislation that impacts doctors, patients and health care in Ontario.

Members directly elect board directors during the regular election period. Directors hold a two-year term, up to a maximum of six years.

Duties of directors include:

  • Ensuring board oversight and performance related to all aspects of the board charter
  • Providing governance leadership in supervising the management of the OMA’s activities and affairs
  • Contributing consistently and meaningfully to the effective performance of the board

Read the board director position profile

The president-elect position is a three-year commitment with the role evolving through three stages: president-elect, president and immediate past president. The president-elect and immediate past president have observer roles on the board. The president also holds the role of board director.

Complete a short nomination form indicating your interest in becoming a candidate. After staff confirms basic eligibility, we will contact nominees to complete a more detailed application before the nomination period closes on Nov. 5, 2024, that Promeus facilitates. The application will standardize candidate information for all voters to view during the voting period. Read the position description and a short list of frequently asked questions.

Past presidents talk about their experience 

Past presidents discuss balancing the personal and professional demands of the job

OMA byelections

An OMA byelection is a special election held to fill a position that is left vacant after the close of the OMA elections period.

Byelection process

A notice of byelection will be sent to all the members of a constituency group that has requested the by-election. It will list the following:

  • Positions up for election
  • Dates and times of the nomination period
  • The procedure for being named a candidate
  • The date for receipt of candidate statements
  • The dates and times of the voting period

To run in a byelection, candidates must:

  • Be a member of the constituency group holding the byelection:
    • A primary member of any section that is specified
    • A member of any specific district, chapter, riding, zone or medical school that is specified
  • Reside or practice in Ontario
  • Not have a CPSO certificate that is suspended, revoked or restricted by the CPSO as a result of professional misconduct
  • Not have reached the 10-year consecutive and 20-year lifetime term limits in the section position you are running for

Each nominee must complete and submit the nomination form. You will need to input the names and email addresses of at least three nominators who are also members of your constituency group (or primary members of a section). After the form is submitted, the OMA elections team will contact the nominators to confirm their support for the candidate.

Completed forms and three supporting nominations must be received by the nomination deadline specified in your notice of byelection. Once a candidate is approved, the OMA elections team will contact the approved candidate and post their name online.

Acclaimed positions

If only one approved nomination is received for a position, the position will be acclaimed. If more than one approved nomination is received for a position, voting will be required.

All members in good standing who reside or work in Ontario at the date and time of the nomination deadline can participate in the byelection vote. A ‘Notice of Voting’ will be sent to all eligible members on the first day of voting with a link to instructions on how to access the secure third-party online voting management website.

Online voting

Online polling is managed by a third-party service provider. Big Pulse is a high-security electronic management system that uses a count verification protocol and provides a receipt to enhance security.

2025 election - key dates

  • Nov. 5 - Nominations open
  • Dec. 3 - Nominations close and voter list is frozen
  • Dec. 10 - Candidate statement submissions due
  • TBA - All board and president-elect candidate meeting
  • Jan. 13 - Voting opens
  • Jan. 20 - Paper ballot request deadline
  • Feb. 7 - Voting closes


How to get involved

There are a number of ways to help make a difference at the OMA, whether that’s by being a part of a committee, board or constituency group, becoming a health-care advocate, nominating a colleague for an award or sharing an idea.

Help spark change

Contact us

To learn more about OMA elections or byelections email or call 1-800-268-7215, Ext. 6189, or 416-340-6189.

Other elections

Section of Residents
Section of Residents

After reviewing and consultations, the board has approved certifying the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO) results each year and the president, vice-president, secretary and past-president be formally confirmed as the OMA Sections of Residents officer position.

All PARO executives are required to be OMA members.

For more information, please visit the PARO elections page

Section of Medical Students
Section of Medical Students

After reviewing and consultations, the board has approved certifying the Ontario Medical Student Association (OMSA) election results each year and the president, vice-president finance and vice-president communications be formally confirmed as the OMA Section officer positions.

All OMSA executives are required to be OMA members.

Elections took place on June 8, 2023For more information, please visit the OMSA election page. 

Published: Nov. 24, 2020  |  Last updated: Oct. 21, 2024