Physician Leadership Program FAQs

Learn more about the program objectives, action learning project, candidate selection, and more

The OMA has compiled the following list of questions and answers to assist members in understanding the Physician Leadership Program. If you have a question that is not addressed, please send it to

  • It is a premier leadership program designed in partnership with the Rotman School of Management. The program launched in March 2023. The second year launches in February 2024 and applications for this cohort are being accepted between Aug. 23 and Nov. 1. The program is divided into four in-person modules over 10 months. Thirty applicants are accepted annually  from 2023 to 2025
  • Outside of the core in-class requirements, the program is designed to minimize participants’ additional time spent working on program projects and deliverables
  • Participants will work on an action learning project of personal interest to them and typically related to their work, so these projects are not expected to add additional workload beyond the time that would otherwise be devoted to them by the participant
  • Program content and the peer support provided will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the action learning projects
  • Participants will also have the option of engaging with organization and system leaders between modules

At the end of the program, members will learn how to:
  1. Evolve on a personal level through self-reflection and peer support, develop emotional intelligence and mental toughness, and understand what drives them
  2. Introduce and practise the art of negotiation, communications and storytelling, grounded in the psychology of influence and persuasion
  3. Understand both complicated-planned and complex-adaptive change to impact behavioural change
  4. Apply newly developed skills to an action-learning project that is important to you
  5. Engage with system leaders, including a dedicated advisory network

The program curriculum is based on consultations with an OMA steering committee, OMA leadership and Rotman faculty experiences in Ontario, Canada, and abroad, with a focus on the characteristics of high-performing health systems and the role that physician leaders play in those systems.

  • A wide variety of projects would be appropriate and valuable. Participants should consider the following qualities:
    • Are you personally interested and committed to the success of the project?
    • Is the project something that can be completed, or nearly completed, between Modules 1 and 4?
    • Will the project “stretch” you, and not simply be your day-to-day work?
    • If appropriate, will you get the organizational (or system) support needed to complete the project and is there an organizational (or system) interest in the outcome of the project?
  • A good action learning project is also one that can contribute to one or more of the quintuple aims of health care: better outcomes, lower costs, improved patient experience, improved provider experience, health equity

Yes, the program will be CME accredited.  

Completion of the program will also be added to the list of approved courses as part of the academic route application for the Certified Physician Executive Credential.

We are looking for members who have pioneering ideas, a passion for change and are committed to learning alongside other future thought leaders.

Once all applications have been received, a committee of physicians and OMA staff will use standardized tools to determine acceptance to the program based on the strength of the application and the diversity of action learning programs and program participants.

All applicants will be notified in December.

Yes, the current plan is to offer this program again in 2025.

No, all modules will be held in person in Toronto at the OMA office located at 150 Bloor St. W. and Rotman School of Management campus located at 105 St. George St. In the event that health and safety requirements change, this will be re-evaluated.