Continuing medical education

With over 40 years of experience and thousands of continuing medical education conferences and cruises worldwide at our fingertips, we can create a tailor-made list of professional development opportunities for your needs, based on location, area of interest, meeting sponsor and date range.

To request a customized list of opportunities, email

Difference between CME and CPD

Continuing medical education (CME) activities are defined by the organizer or presenter and are general clinically focused. Continuing professional development (CPD) includes components of CME, but has a broader focus. Individual physicians are able to address their own education needs through ongoing self-assessment. CPD also addresses the improvement of communication, practice management and leadership skills. Source: MD Dialogue 2012 Oct;8(3):29

CPD can be broadly based and flexible in terms of both content and delivery method — independently, online, in small groups or in traditional lecture-based presentations.

Track your CPD

Physicians can track their CPD activities through one of the approved organizations below:

Physicians need not be a member of one of these organizations for them to track your CPD; both the Royal College and the College of Family Physicians offer this as a standalone service. Source: MD Dialogue 2015 Apr;11(1):41

Disclaimer: The OMA makes no endorsements, warranties, or representations of any kind whatsoever regarding the information it provides to its members, and for the content discussed at any conference or seminar reported including all information, materials, discussions, presentations or any other such content discussed or distributed at such conference or seminar.

Education resources

Canadian universities

Accredited Canadian University Continuing Medical Education Portal — this website is the collective work of Canada’s 17 medical schools, each with its own CME (or CPD) office. The goal is to help Canadian physicians with their lifelong learning, professional development and continuing education needs.

Events are listed in date order, but can also be viewed by the sponsoring university.


  • 10 times: Medical & Pharmaceutical Conferences — This website is a listing of medical meetings worldwide. The user can browse the database by date or by country.
  • CME at Sea — Cruises are listed by date.
  • Conal Conference Alerts — This database lists medical meetings worldwide, and is searchable by topic, country and city. Users can also perform advanced searches using a combination of date, country and/or search term.
  • Continuing Education, Inc. – University at Sea — Cruises are listed by date but can be searched by topic, sail date, region and cruise line.
  • Doctors-on-tour — Educational programs in relaxed environments around the world.
  • eMedEvents — This website lists medical meetings worldwide, and offers an advanced search option where users can search by specialty, location, and date.
  • Medical Education Resources, Inc — This database contains listings of medical meetings worldwide and can be browsed by conference date, conference title or conference location.
  • Medicon — Users must register to use this free service. This website lists medical meetings worldwide and offers an advanced search option where users can search by date, medical specialty, region and country.
  • Physicians’ Travel & Meeting Guide CME Planner — This website lists worldwide CME events and can be searched using a combination of date, specialty, location, and/or keyword.
  • Sea Courses — Cruises are listed by date.

Ontario Medical Association

OMA LearnsOMA Learns, is an enhanced learning platform that provides members with easy access to dynamic content and materials relevant to everyday practice.

OMA Learns provides members the opportunity to improve their knowledge base on a variety of topics including OHIP billing, practice efficiency, starting, running, and closing a practice, privacy and legal considerations, patient care management and more. With the ability to navigate through the system and access all OMA Learns sessions at your convenience, you can learn what you want and at your own pace.

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