Governance at a glance
Member-driven change
The OMA’s transformation began with the launch of a new governance structure in 2021. It continues to make headway on the implementation of a new, modern and nimble structure that is member-driven and represents all voices.
Through a modern, member-driven governance structure, the OMA strives to represent all voices and protect the interests of members. The structure enables the effective execution of organizational goals and strategic priorities and allows for agile responses to immediate and emerging issues.
The organization is focused on:
- Effective governance and accountability
- Physician support and advocacy
- Health system leadership
- Robust member services and operations
- Transparency and high integrity
- Effective communication
Governance structure
The progress we have made aligns with duties and responsibilities under the board charter.
You can review the activities of each board meeting as summarized in our board reports.
Governance — constituency review
As part of the OMA’s governance transformation, the board has committed to reviewing all constituencies, including the districts, sections, networks, branch societies, fora and medical interest groups (MIGs). Following the development of a new charter for the OMA Districts, in September, the board approved a section charter that includes a new section leadership model designed to strengthen and streamline all governance structures consistently and equitably while maintaining flexibility. Its development follows considerable consultation with section leaders and is designed to address the unique and key role of the sections in supporting members and advocating for system, policy, and compensation issues relevant to their areas of clinical practice.
Over the past year, thanks to resource allocation and collaboration with new network chairs, our networks have begun their work. The networks allow for a community of support on numerous topics, including member engagement and network-specific issues not identified as a priority by the General Assembly. There are six networks: Primary Care, Medical, Surgical, Diagnostic, Regional and Academic.
The next phase of the review focuses on fora and MIGs to clarify their role in the new structure. Consultations with fora and MIG chairs will be held in the coming months. More information on this important part of the governance transformation journey will be shared with members as it becomes available.
Board accountability to members
Following an MNP internal governance audit, recommendations related to board-as-whole evaluation and committee evaluation were identified as a key opportunity to improve and support the effectiveness of the board. As such, the board is implementing revised evaluation tools, such as yearly peer-to-peer assessment, self-assessments, post-AGM evaluation and formalized exit interviews. Evaluation is ongoing and iterative, and enhancements are made every year to support the effectiveness of the board and the structures supporting work of the organization. Conducting regular assessments is critical for addressing gaps in practices, talent and strategic weaknesses.
The board endorsed an ethical decision-making framework as a resource to enable the OMA to make strong and ethical decisions using a repeatable process aligned to the organization’s strategy, values and risk management framework. As the board is often faced with making decisions that have ethical dimensions involving multiple stakeholders that impact our members, the framework provides longitudinal accountability and a commitment to the organizational culture.
Strategic and financial planning — OMA’s Revised Strategy, 2024 budget and operating plan
Last December, the board approved a revised strategy that will better position the organization to deliver on what our members want and need. We renewed our strategy to push your priorities forward, enabling the organization to be more effective champions and relentless advocates on what matters most to you. This blueprint will allow us to ensure competitive compensation and reasonable working conditions for you, and lead health-care system transformation, which will improve patient outcomes. The strategy will set the future path for the organization to deliver member value by aligning objectives against three pillars: our members, our system, our organization.
Human resources — revised policies related to conduct and behavioural expectations
The board recently approved the Respect and Safety in the Workplace Policy, which provides a conflict resolution and complaints process that applies to any conduct that can be described as incivility, harassment and/or discrimination. This policy along with the new Member Code of Conduct & Civility, which articulates principles of behaviour required of members when interacting with each other and OMA staff, replaces the OMA Principles Guiding Member Interactions and the OMA Escalation Policy and Procedure. Both policies support a culture of respect, civility and collegiality for all members.
The intensity of work during the negotiations process is significant, and the delivery of a successful outcome on behalf of members is vital. Below is a list of the board’s key negotiations-related accomplishments:
- Revised the negotiations processes, including a look at previous negotiations cycles, the role of the binding arbitration framework and the mandate-setting process
- Approved members of the Negotiations Task Force (NTF) and a mandate for the next Physician Services Agreement (PSA)
- Endorsed recommended approaches for engaging constituency groups in the negotiations process, which the Priority and Leadership Group (PLG) identified as a priority for the Compensation Panel in May 2022
- Approved the Year 3 2021-24 (PSA) Implementation
- Through our advocacy, the OMA and government have agreed to an expedited mediation-arbitration process for Year 1 of the 2024-2028 PSA
- Approved a motion that Michael Wright act as the OMA nominee to the Board of Arbitration
- Approved arbitration mandate
Looking ahead
The board began 2024 with a profound sense of optimism for our association. OMA elections had our highest voter turnout to date since governance transformation, with nearly 60 per cent of voters identifying as first-time voters in the OMA elections process. In addition, we continue to see high numbers of applications for each of our committees and taskforces, reflecting the interest of our members to continue to shape the work of the organization. The board is confident this signals a membership that wants to engage with their association and drive us toward future success. This association needs our membership expertise and leadership to realize our collective potential.
With the impressive leadership of our new CEO and the executive team, the innovative teamwork of the NTF at the negotiations table, the excellent work of the office of the OMA presidents in advocating to government and educating the public, the board is well-prepared to work together to serve the membership.
Specifically, this year, in addition to overseeing the negotiations process, the board will focus on reviewing the Advantages Retirement Plan (ARP) Business Plan, the constituency review of medical Interest groups and fora, the revised financial policy and the pension audit.
All members were invited to participate in the AGM. This year’s meeting was on May 2, 2024, in Sudbury, Ont., saw the installation of a new OMA president and a report from the board of directors and CEO on the stewardship of the organization.
Contact us
If you have a question, feedback or are looking for archived materials, please send us an email.