OMA Award recipients
These individuals have been recognized for their outstanding service to the medical profession, medical science or the common good
Founded in 1921, the OMA Awards Program recognizes the work of physicians, residents, medical students and community members in Ontario. Individuals are awarded for outstanding contributions to the Ontario Medical Association, the medical profession, medical science or the common good.
2023 Award recipients
Centennial award
Established to commemorate the OMA centennial in 1980, the Centennial award is awarded to a non-physician in recognition of outstanding achievements in serving the health and welfare of the people of Ontario through length of service and/or distinguished acts.

Community Service award
The Community Service award is awarded for a significant contribution to the health and welfare of the people of a local community, as defined by involvement in community health and public welfare, including length of involvement, roles fulfilled in local organizations and personal achievements.

Emerging Leader award
The Emerging Leader award is presented to an early career physician who has demonstrated leadership abilities toward shaping the future of medicine. The recipient acts as a positive role model for peers and colleagues with a demonstrated commitment toward: meaningful contributions, social responsibility, political advocacy, partnership/relationship building, innovation, health policy.

Glenn Sawyer Service award
The Glenn Sawyer Service award is awarded in recognition of significant service to the OMA, medical profession, or public at the community level.

Life Membership award
OMA Life Membership is awarded to those members who have made an outstanding contribution to the work of the association in the interest of the medical profession. In addition to OMA-related involvement, work done to advance medical science and other positive work done at the provincial level can be considered.

Medical Student Achievement award
The Medical Student Achievement award is awarded for significant contributions at the political and/or community level that helps advance the life and/or education of all medical students.

Presidential award
The Presidential award is awarded in recognition of exceptional and long-standing humanitarian service to the greater community (in Ontario or elsewhere) that brings honour to the medical profession. The award recipient, by his or her actions, expresses the highest qualities of service by a physician that we all admire.

Section Service award
The Section Service award is awarded in recognition of significant service to the OMA, medical profession, or public within a Section.