Practice efficiency
Get tips on how to create a more resilient and profitable medical business
Creating and maintaining efficiency in a medical practice is not easy, but does have tangible benefits. By optimizing your business operations, you can maximize revenue and profitability, while increasing patient satisfaction.
A more efficient practice is also better able to adapt to continuing changes in the Ontario health-care system, as well as the greater economy.
Some of these factors, such as potential variations in OHIP billings and market increases in overhead expenses, are beyond your control. However, several functions within your practice can be managed to minimize the impact of these external forces.
A proactive approach will help to address the bottlenecks, redundancies, waste and excess that inevitably develop over time and cause problems across clinics of all sizes and types.
To get started, here are five key core areas to consider. There are also some questions to act as a starting point in generating a plan to address the most common problems.
Reviewing your practice for efficiency, ideally on an annual basis, will take time and effort. However, you will find you spend far less time reacting to changes and conflicts and can enjoy a smoother operation of your practice.
Managing flow
Every day, numerous demands are placed on physician time — many of which directly impact time spent with patients.
Measuring wait times
The demands on a physician’s time continue to increase. This guide can help you manage wait times and reduce the office stress that comes with increased workload. The first steps are to carefully detail, measure and analyze your patient flow.
Download the measuring patient flow PDF.
Practice solutions
Once you have identified the bottlenecks and processes that waste time in your practice, how do you eliminate them? This guide offers practical tips and techniques to streamline your clinic design, processes, scheduling and more.